Monday, 26 July 2010

Summer Holidays

We got back from being on a long holiday in St. Louis, B.C. Canada and Florida. Thought I would share some pictures...

Cameron fully submerged in bridal flowers and television (note: we don't have t.v. at home, so this was a novelty for him)

Amazing bridal flower mastermind: mother

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The only way to beat the heat

Beautiful British Columbia. Check out the cutest baby highland cow all the way on the right!


Honey farm.

Tricia and Aiden. This is the happiest child I have ever encountered.

Bridal falls


This is what happens when Neil starts taking pictures...who knows? (Let's not forget that this is during the wedding.)

The wedding was peacock-themed.



Giant bubble gum mom heading into water.

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Her morning elegance

Something reminded me of this music video today and thought I would post...