Friday 12 August 2011


It's hard to believe it has almost been one and a half months since we have been here. It has been really good. Neil and I feel like we are still unwinding from a very stressful time. We look back and think that things were more stressful and crazy then we realized at that time. Maybe it's because we are now surrounded by nature with no agenda.

The kids seem to be doing well and not too much affected. Cameron just started nursery 2 weeks ago, so that is a bit tiring for him (and we're in this nap or no-nap period where it seems he really needs his nap but if he gets one it takes ages for him to fall asleep at night). He's been outside playing at almost every opportunity and it's so nice to let him play outside without having to be out there with him every second. He can even ride his bike without sidewheels now!

(can you imagine striping down to play in the ocean in a more beautiful place? just a bit chilly...)

I spend a lot of time right here (the kitchen sink, especially now that we don't have a dishwasher. boohoo). At least I've got some friends keeping me company.
It's been good (so far) to have a slower, simpler pace of life and be away from the stress of the city. It's easy to forget when you're in it what a negative impact traffic, supermarket busyness and especially rushing for things can have on your life. Now if all those fantastic people we had to leave behind could move over here too, life would really be perfect.

Friday 5 August 2011

Uprooted and arrived

About 3 1/2 weeks ago we packed up all our things and left our beloved Wilhelminastraat in Amsterdam. We chose to do it the chaotic way: get everything into the van by 12:15 pm when the new owners and their agent were coming to check the place, be at the notary at 13:00 to sign the buying contract and then be in Ijmuiden at the boat by 16.30 to catch the boat going to Newcastle. It was stressful, but we made it with almost all our stuff...

[Here we are, moving our stuff out the front balcony onto the street]

[We could have used a bit extra space for those last few things...]

[Celebrating in our cabin on the boat with champagne]

It was a huge relief to get onto the boat and know, 'it's done'. Sighhhh. We got so much help from so many amazing people. We wouldn't have made it without them. That is a huge understatement. We'd probably be dead without them, or in some sort of comatose state.

It was good to have some of 'my own blood' go with me in this process. Elisabeth is one amazing woman. It felt like she was able to pick up where I left off and fill in in so many places that needed attention that I couldn't give. Especially with the kids. This girl is amazing with kids. I mean, look at this picture. You would think it was her own (Jacob does look a lot like Elisabeth)

And then there's this guy. He's OK. He did some stuff too. Laying floors in the house, sanding table, playing with kids, letting me order him around. It was super good to have him here too.

I'm hoping to give another update soon with some more pictures that might make you wish you had moved with us. It's good to be here.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

It's crazy here.
But for now, here's an update, in video form:

One day there will be more news.

Thursday 9 September 2010

Whoa, die is zwanger!

I'm now just days away from my due date, and feeling it. Yesterday I stopped into the Hema and heard a guy say to someone, after I had passed, 'Whoa, die is zwanger!' Which you could translate into something like, 'Dang, she's pregnant!' It's a good thing we don't have a full length mirror in the house and I'm thankful that Neil keeps trying to convince me that I look good.

There's not much to update on this blog, just thought I'd update that the baby has not arrived yet. We're all excited for it to happen and can't wait to meet this little one. 'Can't wait' it also a good term in this situation because I do truly feel like I can't wait any longer (please, let this one not be overdue!). In the mean time I am keeping myself busy with all things domestic, including knitting some fun baby items, like this little red bonnet in the picture. I found this baby alpaca wool that feels like it was spun in heaven. Nothing could be better for a tender newborn head.

Monday 26 July 2010

Summer Holidays

We got back from being on a long holiday in St. Louis, B.C. Canada and Florida. Thought I would share some pictures...

Cameron fully submerged in bridal flowers and television (note: we don't have t.v. at home, so this was a novelty for him)

Amazing bridal flower mastermind: mother

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The only way to beat the heat

Beautiful British Columbia. Check out the cutest baby highland cow all the way on the right!


Honey farm.

Tricia and Aiden. This is the happiest child I have ever encountered.

Bridal falls


This is what happens when Neil starts taking pictures...who knows? (Let's not forget that this is during the wedding.)

The wedding was peacock-themed.



Giant bubble gum mom heading into water.

Thursday 15 July 2010

Her morning elegance

Something reminded me of this music video today and thought I would post...

Thursday 13 May 2010

10 reasons I'm super happy

10. The blauwe regen (wisteria) vine has reached all the way up to our flat this year and is blooming. It smells like heaven, and is so beautiful.

9. I'm going to see these guys soon:

8. Neil gets/has gotten lots of days off recently for public holidays, so we've had more days together. This picture was in our neighborhood on Bevrijdingsdag (independence day?), last week.

7. We just celebrated Koninginnedag on april 30th, one of my favorite days of the year. The weather wasn't ideal in the morning, but it was still great. This is my favorite find of the day. A vintage children's tray that cost me 1 euro, which the woman selling it said was given to her when she was a child. Why would you sell this???

6. I'm finished with school! (this is HUGE) No more juggling lectures and babysitters and shoolwork and family and a household and everything else at one time. Ahhhh, relief.

5. I get to do fun things now that school is done, like knit while Cameron is sleeping.

And go to places like Artis (Amsterdam zoo) while Cameron is awake.

4. Cameron is funny. Here he managed to pull a bag of nappies from under his bed.

3. Neil is an amazing husband. Who still likes Duplo.

2. We're having a baby! (due in september) We're super excited.

1. I love Jesus!