Friday, 5 August 2011

Uprooted and arrived

About 3 1/2 weeks ago we packed up all our things and left our beloved Wilhelminastraat in Amsterdam. We chose to do it the chaotic way: get everything into the van by 12:15 pm when the new owners and their agent were coming to check the place, be at the notary at 13:00 to sign the buying contract and then be in Ijmuiden at the boat by 16.30 to catch the boat going to Newcastle. It was stressful, but we made it with almost all our stuff...

[Here we are, moving our stuff out the front balcony onto the street]

[We could have used a bit extra space for those last few things...]

[Celebrating in our cabin on the boat with champagne]

It was a huge relief to get onto the boat and know, 'it's done'. Sighhhh. We got so much help from so many amazing people. We wouldn't have made it without them. That is a huge understatement. We'd probably be dead without them, or in some sort of comatose state.

It was good to have some of 'my own blood' go with me in this process. Elisabeth is one amazing woman. It felt like she was able to pick up where I left off and fill in in so many places that needed attention that I couldn't give. Especially with the kids. This girl is amazing with kids. I mean, look at this picture. You would think it was her own (Jacob does look a lot like Elisabeth)

And then there's this guy. He's OK. He did some stuff too. Laying floors in the house, sanding table, playing with kids, letting me order him around. It was super good to have him here too.

I'm hoping to give another update soon with some more pictures that might make you wish you had moved with us. It's good to be here.

1 comment:

teresuk said...

Happy for you, guys! Hope to see you again one day)